Altar Ministries enjoy the privilege of assisting in making the liturgies and church as beautiful as possible.
Church Ladies (and Men) decorate the church during the year and special occasions, especially Lent/Easter and Advent/Christmas. To assist, please call the rectory.
Altar servers are our youth who have made the First Holy Communion and extend through their High School years. They assist at weekend Masses. To join, please contact Deacon John.
Lectors read the Word of God at Masses. Commentators read the announcements before Mass, introduction to the readings form the Bible, and lead the congregation in the Common Intercession. To join, please call the rectory.
Special Ministers of Holy Communion help distribute the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion. Training is available.
Funeral altar servers are adults from our congregation whose ministry is to assist at funerals and Memorial Masses. To assist, please call the rectory.
Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors/Alter Server Coordinator: Judy Guarino 716-681-3346